The Four Loves

In its most simple form, authentic love is the ability to will the good of the other.  The basic truths about authentic or real love are;

  • Love is primarily a choice, not just a feeling.
  • Emotional response is a good part of love, but like all emotions it should be controlled and guided by reason, for example, you teach your children self-control.
  • Learning to love means learning to become a total gift of yourself to others.
  • Love is permanent – relationships of love are lasting and stable. You can model this in your marriage and in your constant love for your children.
  • Love is generous toward life.  Thus, in all relationships love is to be nurturing and generous.  Within marriage this means that love is meant to be fruitful, generous and life-giving.
  • The Greek language reflects the complex nature of love much better than does English.  The Greeks had multiple words for love.  Authentic human love includes all of these dimensions.



  1. Teaching Manners - Teaching the Way of Love on November 4, 2021 at 8:47 am

    […] good manners is part of social maturity. It is the we express the kind of love the Greeks called storgè – basic respect for human dignity. Since human dignity is so important, every culture has created a […]

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