Does Your Family Impact the Culture or Not?

How can your family have a positive impact on culture? Is it up to the schools to form your children into good citizens and faithful disciples of Christ? Or do parents need to take more responsibility for the education and formation of their children? Let’s reflect on the most powerful way to impact the culture by impacting your family.

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Connect as a Family

In 2003, the Institute for American Families published a report called Hardwired to Connect. This study was filed by the Commission on Children at Risk – a team of 33 medical doctors, research scientists and mental health and youth services professionals. The group concluded that the rising rate of mental problems and emotional distress among…

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Tasks of the Family

Becoming a family means that you, as the parent, will lead your family towards the completion of a Godly mission. This mission comes from the document Familiaris Consortio (On the Role of the Family in the Modern World) which was written by Pope John Paul II. In his writings, the Pope identified four main tasks…

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