How Do We Teach the Faith to Our Children in a Secular World?

Parents want what's best for their children. Catholic parents understand that a huge part of giving their children the best is to bring them to the love of God. But how do we do that in a culture that increasingly rejects the faith? How do we form our families into environments of love, wisdom, and faith in the midst of our busy, distracted lives?

Teaching the Way of Love (TWL) empowers parents to embrace their role as the primary educators of their children. Using the best in Church teaching and secular research, TWL shows parents how to lead their children to God's loving plan for their lives.

Current Articles on Parenting

Let’s Be Reasonable

My son proclaimed at the dinner table one night, “The Bible is homophobic!” He was hoping to get a rise out of me. It almost worked. But I controlled my emotions and began engaging my son in a discussion instead. Not only did we have a great dinner conversation, but hopefully my children learned a…

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A Great Virtue for the New Year

A friend and I were discussing the fallout from last year. I admitted to him that I caught myself saying, “I don’t know what or who to believe anymore,” nearly every week. He agreed that discerning the truth was a daunting task made more difficult because people seemed to make decisions based on how they…

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Hope: Trusting God Through the Chaos

Your family needs the virtue of Hope, now more than ever. There is no doubt that you are raising your family in tumultuous times. Confusion and chaos abound in both the culture and the Church. It would be easy to throw our hands up in despair and cry out, “Why even bother? What’s the use?”…

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The 5th Commandment; Do No Harm

Do you assume that keeping the 5th Commandment is easy because you’d never commit cold-blooded murder? Well, Jesus challenges us to live this Commandment on a deeper level, valuing each person’s life and dignity. This month’s article shows you how to keep the 5th Commandment even when you start feeling resentful or angry toward your children, and how you can model the virtue of meekness so your children can learn how to value others as well!

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The Heart of the 4th Commandment: Do What Love Asks

You’ve been there, right? Your kids are not complying to a simple request that you’ve made. You don’t want to yell or berate or lose your temper. So you do the countdown – one, two, three… You hope that counting will move your kids to get to business. If it works and they do meet…

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