How Do We Teach the Faith to Our Children in a Secular World?

Parents want what's best for their children. Catholic parents understand that a huge part of giving their children the best is to bring them to the love of God. But how do we do that in a culture that increasingly rejects the faith? How do we form our families into environments of love, wisdom, and faith in the midst of our busy, distracted lives?

Teaching the Way of Love (TWL) empowers parents to embrace their role as the primary educators of their children. Using the best in Church teaching and secular research, TWL shows parents how to lead their children to God's loving plan for their lives.

Current Articles on Parenting

What Makes Being a Parent Difficult?

I have a few friends who just had babies. They are veteran mothers, welcoming their fourth or fifth babies. But the wonder and awe and joy is still evident in them as if the little bundle they carry is their very first. It’s great to share their joy and excitement. When you are preparing for…

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The Debt of Gratitude

Click Here to Download the PDF My daughter wanted to go to a friend’s house, but she first needed to complete a set of chores that she had been putting off for a few days. So, she rushed through her chores and declared that she was ready to go. However, when I checked on her…

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Affability In An Angry World

Is it just me or do people today seem more angry, desperate, and defiant? The news must think so because they often describe the U.S. as a divided nation. They write stories about family members who yell at each other, of hostile neighborhoods and workplaces where sides have been taken. The picture they paint is…

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The 7th Commandment – Justice & Human Dignity

When I tried to foresee what challenges my wife and I would face as parents, I never imagined that one of them would be stealing. To me, “Do not steal” was such a basic Commandment – sort of like “Do not kill.” Only really bad people committed these sins – or people with major psychological…

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The 6th and 9th Commandments – Teaching Respect

As parents we want desperately for our children to understand and embrace God’s loving plan for their lives, including God’s plan for their bodies, as they grow into adulthood. In other words, we want our children and ourselves to learn how to honor the Sixth and the Ninth Commandments. Please Pray That Parents will live…

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