How Do We Teach the Faith to Our Children in a Secular World?
Parents want what's best for their children. Catholic parents understand that a huge part of giving their children the best is to bring them to the love of God. But how do we do that in a culture that increasingly rejects the faith? How do we form our families into environments of love, wisdom, and faith in the midst of our busy, distracted lives?
Teaching the Way of Love (TWL) empowers parents to embrace their role as the primary educators of their children. Using the best in Church teaching and secular research, TWL shows parents how to lead their children to God's loving plan for their lives.
Current Articles on Parenting
Preparing Your Child for School
Raise Them WellPersonal MaturityTrain the young in the way they should go;even when old, they will not swerve from it (proverbs 22:6). Sending a child back to school a decade or two ago was much easier than it is today. Back then, parents worried about buying the right supplies and getting the kids into the right…
Read MoreHumility and Parenting: Taking an Accurate Look at Yourself
Download the PDF This past year has been a difficult parenting year for my wife and me. Our children have provided some unique obstacles for us. They gave us ample opportunity to grow in parenting virtues. One lesson that we learned came from a rather abrupt statement from a Christian parenting coach whose audio program…
Read MoreThe 10th Commandment – Self-Control and Contentment
As parents, we want to give our children the very best. But God calls Catholic parents to really examine what it means to give our children the best. My children will tell you that their friends get the best from their parents. Their friends have smartphones, video game systems, flat panel televisions, and the freedom…
Read MoreWhat to Do When You Think You Aren’t a Good Enough Parent
Click Here to Download the PDF Parenting is hard work. It is not easy to embrace parenthood and stick it out. That is why a group of parents asked me to join them in a discussion about parenting. They wanted me to listen to their situations and offer some ideas for hope. A mom talked…
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