How Do We Teach the Faith to Our Children in a Secular World?

Parents want what's best for their children. Catholic parents understand that a huge part of giving their children the best is to bring them to the love of God. But how do we do that in a culture that increasingly rejects the faith? How do we form our families into environments of love, wisdom, and faith in the midst of our busy, distracted lives?

Teaching the Way of Love (TWL) empowers parents to embrace their role as the primary educators of their children. Using the best in Church teaching and secular research, TWL shows parents how to lead their children to God's loving plan for their lives.

Current Articles on Parenting

Loving Children Requires Self-Control

The world today often portrays love as just another emotion. It should come to no one’s surprise that many people—even many parents— think that love is nothing more than following your heart or indulging in what makes you feel good. While it is true that a part of love includes feelings, the better portion of…

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Are You Teaching Your Family the Way of Love?

Teaching children about selfless love is not an easy task. It’s even more difficult when you realize how important your own example is. How can you become a more selfless parent to lead your children on the Way of Love?

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The Importance of Relationship for Emotional Maturity

Raise Them WellEmotional Maturity TRAIN THE YOUNG IN THE WAY THEY SHOULD GO;EVEN WHEN OLD, THEY WILL NOT SWERVE FROM IT (PROVERBS 22:6). There’s another hole in our house. We have a hole in a bedroom, a couple in the basement, and now there’s a new one in the bathroom door. When I asked the kids…

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Do you really listen to your family members?

God calls families to buld a true community of persons. One important way to do that is to learn to reallly listen to each other. How well do you listen? How can you listen more intently? This month’s article will explore these questions.

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Teaching Manners

Showing good manners is part of social maturity. It is the we express the kind of love the Greeks called storgè – basic respect for human dignity. Since human dignity is so important, every culture has created a set of norms intended to show respect. Unfortunately the modernist culture our young people are immersed in…

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