How Do We Teach the Faith to Our Children in a Secular World?
Parents want what's best for their children. Catholic parents understand that a huge part of giving their children the best is to bring them to the love of God. But how do we do that in a culture that increasingly rejects the faith? How do we form our families into environments of love, wisdom, and faith in the midst of our busy, distracted lives?
Teaching the Way of Love (TWL) empowers parents to embrace their role as the primary educators of their children. Using the best in Church teaching and secular research, TWL shows parents how to lead their children to God's loving plan for their lives.
Current Articles on Parenting
Parenting in the School-age Years: Forming a Community of Persons
Even though your child wants more independence during these years, it is your obligation to keep him firmly rooted in the norms and expectations of the family. This is the first task that you have as a parent. In order to ensure that neither you nor your child bails out of the family during this…
Read MoreParenting in the School-age Years: Serving Life
Parents who have been honoring God’s plan for love and life and responsible parenthood up to this point will find the task of serving life in the pre-teen years much easier. Because they have lived marital chastity during the early family years, they will have a firm foundation of knowledge and wisdom in the matters…
Read MoreLessons of Life and Love
A proper, full understanding of love is just as important as a proper, full understanding of sexuality. Authentic love isn’t first about self-fulfillment. It’s about self-giving. Learn what true love really is.
Read MoreParenting in the Early Years: Participating in the Life and Mission of the Church
Babies and very young children interact with the world physically and emotionally. While children cannot understand the faith at this young age, they can develop habits that will grow into understanding later. The important task for parents of children at this age is to create the atmosphere within which the habits of faith can be…
Read MoreParenting in the Early Years: Developing Society
The third task of parents is to develop society. This task revolves around the virtue of hospitality which is the friendly reception and treatment of guests. As parents, it is your duty to teach your children that everyone in the world is a guest, worthy of friendship and charity. Hospitality In the early parenting years,…
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