Preparing Your Child for School

Raise Them Well Personal Maturity Train the young in the way they should go;even when old, they will not swerve from it (proverbs 22:6). Sending a child back to school a decade or two ago was much easier than it is today. Back then, parents worried about buying the right supplies and getting the kids into…

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The 10th Commandment – Self-Control and Contentment

As parents, we want to give our children the very best. But God calls Catholic parents to really examine what it means to give our children the best. My children will tell you that their friends get the best from their parents. Their friends have smartphones, video game systems, flat panel televisions, and the freedom…

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What Makes Being a Parent Difficult?

I have a few friends who just had babies. They are veteran mothers, welcoming their fourth or fifth babies. But the wonder and awe and joy is still evident in them as if the little bundle they carry is their very first. It’s great to share their joy and excitement. When you are preparing for…

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The 7th Commandment – Justice & Human Dignity

When I tried to foresee what challenges my wife and I would face as parents, I never imagined that one of them would be stealing. To me, “Do not steal” was such a basic Commandment – sort of like “Do not kill.” Only really bad people committed these sins – or people with major psychological…

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A Great Virtue for the New Year

A friend and I were discussing the fallout from last year. I admitted to him that I caught myself saying, “I don’t know what or who to believe anymore,” nearly every week. He agreed that discerning the truth was a daunting task made more difficult because people seemed to make decisions based on how they…

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Hope: Trusting God Through the Chaos

Your family needs the virtue of Hope, now more than ever. There is no doubt that you are raising your family in tumultuous times. Confusion and chaos abound in both the culture and the Church. It would be easy to throw our hands up in despair and cry out, “Why even bother? What’s the use?”…

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