We ARE Capable of Self-Possession and Self-Control!
Click Here to Download the PDF PLEASE PRAY THAT Parents will lead their children to self-control and self-possession. Our culture will start to value a fully human life rather than animal self-indulgence. Families can become a place of loving correction, true repentance and true forgiveness. Catholics will return to the Sacrament of Confession and fully…
Read MoreThree Key Catholic Teachings About Sexual Intercourse
The final step in the “stair-step” approach to teaching your child about sexuality is teaching about the act of sexual intercourse. In addition to the biological facts about intercourse, there are 3 key points to teach about God’s plan for life and love. Point #1: The most important Catholic Church teaching about sexual intercourse is…
Read MoreEngaging the Conversation: the Basics
Having discussions with your child about “sticky” moral issues can be nerve-racking. But there are four main steps that will prepare you for the necessary conversations that you will have with your child. The first step is to learn about the moral issues that your child is likely to face. The second is to prepare…
Read MoreHow to Really Listen
One of the greatest gifts you can give your children is the ability to be heard because children in the throes of puberty have minds that are actively changing. These kids really need to have someone listen to them – someone who will help them sort through their thoughts and feelings. As the parent, you…
Read MoreParenting is a Journey
If you like the content on this page, then you’ll love the video segment “Journey with Your Children” from the Embrace Parenthood DVD Program! You can watch this video segment for one week and download relevant workbook pages for only $2.99. Click here to add it to your cart now! Parenting is a journey –…
Read MoreSharing Concern: Using “I” Messages
When you are concerned about a behavior, it is important to use a method of communication that attacks the behavior in question and not the dignity or self worth of the other. Parents can share their concerns positively as well as work towards a solution using this simple six-step process. Here is an overview of…
Read MoreWith God’s Help, Face and Resolve Conflict Just like Mary, Joseph and Jesus Did
The Holy Family is the model of holy family life. God created marriage and family life to be a “school of love” that teaches its members how to give themselves to each other in The Holy Family is the model of holy family life. God created marriage and family life to be a “school of…
Read MoreNecessary Conversations About the Art of Sacred Silence
Click Here to Download the PDF of This Article My world is so quiet right now. As I sit at my keyboard writing this article, my children are sitting in the living room quietly working on their schoolwork. I just finished Morning Prayer, and my heart is filled with gratitude for this moment of serenity.…
Read MoreGeneral Principles for Teaching Sexuality by Developmental Stage*
As you read through these principles, it is helpful to remember that one stage builds upon the next and that the stages of growth and development often overlap. Early Childhood Parents are called to: Provide a wholesome and safe environment – especially through the monitoring of media. Convey to their children that they are…
Read MoreA Gift to You Courtesy of Covid-19
The January 2020 TWL newsletter challenged families to do a gut check on what they value. Three questions were given to help readers determine what they deem important and necessary. When the article was posted, none of us knew how quickly life would be changed by the pandemic. No one saw the turmoil, anxiety and…
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