Posts by Jeffrey Arrowood
Guide Your Family Through Future Generations With Family Ritual
Download the PDF What do you think of when you hear the word “ritual”? Does your mind turn to liturgy and prayer or formal ceremonies? You might be wondering what ritual could have to do with parenting and family life. The answer is that family rituals can be potent tools for building your family community,…
Read MorePhysical Maturity: Setting Standards & Boundaries
Physical maturity according to God’s plan begins with the realization that the body is good. God created the human person as an integration of body and spirit. The body expresses the spirit. So our bodies reveal the “Imago Dei” – the image of God – to the physical world. God calls us to respect both…
Read MoreIntellectual Maturity: How Do We Know What Is True?
“And be not conformed to this world; but be reformed in the newness of your mind, that you may prove what is the good, and the acceptable, and the perfect will of God” Romans 12:2 Many times my middle school daughter has come home saying that a teacher or a friend challenged a truth of…
Read MoreIs Your Family a School of Prayer?
Download the PDF The title of this article may stop you in your tracks. As a parent, were you even aware that your family is supposed to be a school of prayer? In his general audience for January 4th, 2012, Pope Benedict XVI gives us a beautiful reflection that explains the importance of developing a…
Read MoreKnowing and Choosing the Good
“And be not conformed to this world; but be reformed in the newness of your mind, that you may prove what is the good, and the acceptable, and the perfect will of God” Romans 12:2. One of the biggest surprises to me as a parent is how difficult it can be to teach my children…
Read MoreUsing a Family Media Plan to Protect Your Children – and to Teach Virtue
Does your family have a media plan in place? I love technology. When used and managed properly, technology can change the dynamics of a family in very good ways. Last Christmas the one gift I wanted to get for my family was a large, flat-screen television. But we didn’t connect this television to cable or…
Read MoreBeing Before Doing
Click Here to Download the PDF Even though I am both a teacher and a public speaker today, as a child I never thought I’d ever feel comfortable speaking in front of people. You see, I didn’t grow up with a lot of self-esteem. I was a smart kid and did great in school. But…
Read MoreAre You Teaching Your Family the Way of Love?
Teaching children about selfless love is not an easy task. It’s even more difficult when you realize how important your own example is. How can you become a more selfless parent to lead your children on the Way of Love?
Read MoreThe Importance of Relationship for Emotional Maturity
Raise Them WellEmotional Maturity TRAIN THE YOUNG IN THE WAY THEY SHOULD GO;EVEN WHEN OLD, THEY WILL NOT SWERVE FROM IT (PROVERBS 22:6). There’s another hole in our house. We have a hole in a bedroom, a couple in the basement, and now there’s a new one in the bathroom door. When I asked the kids…
Read MoreTeaching Manners
Showing good manners is part of social maturity. It is the we express the kind of love the Greeks called storgè – basic respect for human dignity. Since human dignity is so important, every culture has created a set of norms intended to show respect. Unfortunately the modernist culture our young people are immersed in…
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