Should I Allow My Child to Struggle?

Necessary Conversations It’s difficult to be a good parent and raise children who love life and are faithful to God’s plan. It’s hard to know when to let them struggle and when to bail them out. It’s tough to discern when letting them struggle might break their spirit and when protecting them might make them…

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Set a Firm Foundation in the New Year

The new year has begun and with it a new decade. Take just a moment to think back over the past ten years. Reflect upon this question. What has changed in your life since 2010? You may have married and started a family. You might have changed employment or the place you reside. Perhaps you experienced something lifealtering that either caused you great joy or pain.

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Understanding Gender Identity

Necessary Conversations There are two things that really frustrate me: being confused and not being told the truth. That is why the culture’s campaign on gender is difficult for me to understand. Can you relate? The term gender is confusing to me because it used to mean the same thing as “male” or “female” (a…

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Raising Catholic Kids in a Secular World

Are you interested in raising holy, happy, and respectful children? Try incorporating these ideas into your family life. Number One: Share the gift of faith with your children. Faith allows us to believe in God. Make sure that your house and life is filled with knowledge of the Triune God. Read bible stories with your…

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Chastity and Related Virtues

Virtue A Virtue is a habitual and firm disposition to do the good. We develop virtues or good habits through education, good acts frequently done, and perseverance in struggle. There are four virtues that are considered pivotal to human persons: prudence, justice, fortitude and temperance. These virtues are stable dispositions of the intellect and will…

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What Is Sexuality?

Sexuality – Sexuality is more than just a biological reality. It is a person’s capacity to give and receive love as either a man or a woman. Sexuality affects all aspects of the human person (physical, psychological and spiritual) in the unity of his body and soul. Each person is more than a body that…

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Ready for the New School Year?

Download the PDF My parents had a wonderful practice of asking questions during dinner. They enjoyed getting us to think about topics and issues through conversation. I remember one question in particular; one that was asked the night before the start of another school year. What do you think you are going to discover at…

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Ready or not, here it comes. School is back in session!

Necessary Conversations So much changes with the start of a school year. Some families look at the return to set schedules, planned activities and earlier bedtimes with delight while other families loathe the loss of spontaneity and impulsivity. The personality of your family certainly colors how you will embrace the start of the academic year.…

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Why is Your Family So Important?

The Church teaches that the family is a vital, foundational society. But is your family important? Should the importance of your family change the way you approach it? This article invites you to reflect on the importance of your family.

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