Helpful Media Practices

There are three critical elements to which parents must attend when it comes to media; Time limits Content (what is being used) Context (how it is being used) How to Set Time Limits The American Academy of Pediatricians recommend that children under the age of two have NO screen time at all. Children over two…

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Understanding the Media

Media has both an upside and a downside. Understanding these five facts about media is the first place to start. Media Fact 1: All media educate Children learn about the world and how to behave in it from their every experience – including their experience of media. Today’s media provide powerful messages that influence large…

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General Tips for Parents and Guardians to Help Keep Children Safe

While many parents and guardians feel they are faced with new and unprecedented challenges when trying to keep their children safe in today’s fast-paced and increasingly global society, the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children ® offers these common sense, general safety tips to help families put these challenges into perspective. Make sure you…

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A Gift to You Courtesy of Covid-19

The January 2020 TWL newsletter challenged families to do a gut check on what they value. Three questions were given to help readers determine what they deem important and necessary.  When the article was posted, none of us knew how quickly life would be changed by the pandemic. No one saw the turmoil, anxiety and…

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What Can I Expect?

Authoritative parents expect that their children will contribute to the well-being of the family by taking on the responsibility of certain family responsibilities. Three areas of basic life skills which should be expected are: cleaning a house and keeping it that way, planning/selecting and preparing healthy meals, budget and making appropriate purchases. Expecting a child…

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Making Sense of the Gender Debate

Download the PDF There are two things that really frustrate me: being confused and not being told the truth. That is why the culture’s campaign on gender is difficult for me to understand. Can you relate? The term gender confuses many people because it used to mean the same thing as “male” or “female” (a biological reality).…

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Togetherness: a Blessing or a Burden?

Being forced to be together can be stressful for families, especially for extended periods of time. We are in each other’s space. We get on each other’s nerves. But for Catholic families seeking to become a true community of persons, striving to grow in holiness and love, this is an opportunity not to be missed!

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Connect With Your Family All Year Long

We can connect to each other as a family (a “community of persons”) in any circumstance. in fact, the formula for an authoritative family: high demands and high levels of response (love and presence) can also lead to a greater connection as a family in any season and in any circumstance.

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Everyone Fails. What You Can Do About It.

Children have free will, just as we do. They are also fallen human beings, just like we are. While frustration is natural, parents can also see an opportunity to exercise Christlike love. This article explores what parents should do when their children fail to meet the expectations parents set for them. What do we do when our children choose what is harmful, what is wrong, and even what is hurtful to others?

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Waste Time with Your Kids

On October 27th, 2015, Pope Francis sent out a challenge to parents across the globe. His simple and direct tweet said: Parents, can you “waste time” with your children? It is one of the most important things you can do each day.

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