Necessary Conversations
Bullying and Right Relationships
In this webinar, Jeff Arrowood and Alice Heinzen will first explain God’s plan for friendship (hint: God intends friends to draw the best out of each other). Then, they will work with you to identify the right time and place, dynamic and approach to discuss God’s plan for human relationships, what can go wrong, and how to build good, solid, loving relationships.
Conversation Guide
The conversation guide for this session guides you through building your discussion about bullying and right relationships if your child is in danger of being a bully, or is a victim of bullying (or simple fallen relationships). We use the structure given to us by the Search Institute as we discussed in the first webinar in this series.
Presentation Slides
The presentation slides are available to you in PDF format so you can use them to take notes as you go through this session.
He Was Only 14: A Case to End Bullying
Looking for a springboard to begin a "necessary conversation" about bullying or fallen relationships with your son or daughter? This article form LifeTeen offers a real-life story about the consequences of bullying and also some heartfelt advice for teens about how to avoid being mean to others.
Necessary Conversations
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