Understanding Gender Identity

Necessary Conversations
There are two things that really frustrate me: being confused and not being told the truth. That is why the culture’s campaign on gender is difficult for me to understand. Can you relate?
The term gender is confusing to me because it used to mean the same thing as “male” or “female” (a biological reality). However, today’s culture defines gender as a belief that one’s bodily sex (being born either male or female) is irrelevant because a male on the outside can be a female on the inside or vice versa.

Please Pray That
- All parents find time to study God’s plan for men and women.
- Parents will embrace their role as primary ed- ucators for their kids.
- Families will share the truth of God clearly and with charity.
- Parents will love their children for who they are rather than for what they do.
- Parents will love their children in the same way that God does; selflessly, consistently, unconditionally.
- Parents will make time to pray daily with and for their children.
- No child (or parent) will ever find themselves beyond God’s love and mercy.
- Families will desire to do God’s will.
Changing the meaning of the word gender makes it difficult to know what is true and what isn’t. It certainly seems like the two definitions are opposed. How can we figure out what is right? Let me suggest that we tackle this issue by going back to the first stories of mankind that are found in the Bible.
The very first chapter of the Bible clearly tells us that God created human persons in only two forms; male and female. It explains that the sexual difference is a gift to us from our Creator. The Bible also reveals that being male or female is very good because it makes it possible to create new life and form bonds of deep love.
The Bible also shares that the human body has great meaning and dignity. It is not a “thing” we possess, like a car or a laptop. It is much more than a container for our soul. The body allows us to make visible that which is invisible inside us. It speaks a “language” that should express the truth of who we are created by God as either a male or female.
In God’s plan, each person is designed to be matched biologically inside and out. In fact, science confirms that it is scientifically impossible to be born in the wrong body because there are just two sex chromosomes: X and Y. Females have two X chromosomes and males have one X and one Y. Evidence of being female or male is found in nearly every cell in the body.
It becomes easier to wade through the puzzling gender debates when you begin with this information. Yet, some of you may ask, “What about the child who is born with ambiguous genitalia? Isn’t this proof that there could be another option beyond male or female?” When this happens on rare occasions, medical and genetic tests can discover the biological sex (XX or XY) and the nature of the defect involved. It does not open the door to the creation of third biological sex.
If these facts are true, why are we hearing so much about LGBTQ and being told that we need to let everyone – especially our children – identify themselves as they prefer? That is a great question that I can’t fully answer in this newsletter. But I can share with you a few quick facts from research that might dispel the confusion.
- The gender debate began in the 1960s when psychologist named John Money decided that people should identify themselves by their social preferences and behavior rather than their biology. This opened the door for boys who liked dance to think of themselves as girls or for girls who prefer trucks to think of themselves as boys.
- In the last 10 years, the trend to identify as transgender has dramatically increased after exposure to the concept by peers or social media. This ‘social contagion’ is called Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria.
- Youth who are allowed to explore the concept of transgender, rarely find that they are more mentally stable and happy in the long run.
- Up to 98% of youth who struggle with their sex as a boy or a girl, outgrow this condition by adulthood.

For a full listing of credible Church and scientific sources on gender go to: https://catholicwomensforum.org/resources/
Preparing Yourself for Necessary Conversations about Gender
Clearly, gender ideology is a hot topic in society today; one that must be dealt with respectfully and intelligently. Here are several suggestions to help you become more informed and equipped to faithfully translate God’s plan to your children.
- Make plans now to attend the Necessary Conversations Webinar on Gender. Register at: www.twl4parents.com/webinar
- Teach your children about the Theology of the Body which beautifully describes God’s plan for us. Check in with your parish to see what resources they have on hand.
- Remember to treat all persons with respect and dignity. All youth, even those who suffer with gender confusion, deserve the same educational opportunities and resources. They also deserve to know the truth about God’s plan. This means that we need to share the truth in clearly and with charity.

This article teaches about just a small part of good Catholic parenting. Visit www.twl4parents.com for more strategies that will help you become the best parent you can be. And for the best systematic approach to parenting, consider purchasing the Teaching the Way of Love program, which can be found at the same website.
This article series is brought to you by Alice Heinzen and Jeff Arrowood, authors of the Teaching the Way of Love home study series for parents. Find out more at www.twl4parents.com/teaching-the-way-of-love.