Re-creation, not Recreation

Sexuality is More Than You Think
Have you ever wondered why people crave to be in a relationship? What is it that causes that longing to be accepted by another and to give all that you have in return? Where does it come from and who created it?
That basic yearning to be a total gift of self is called your sexuality. It is a fundamental, God-given characteristic of each person. It is rooted in our gender – either male or female and it is ordered to the procreation of children and to the giving and receiving of love. Sexuality is part of humanity which God saw as being “very good.”
Sex and the Total Person
“Sexuality affects all aspects of the human person in the unity of his body and soul. (CCC #2332) It impacts our emotions, our capacity to love and create new life, and our ability to form bonds with all persons.
Sexuality distinguishes man from woman, not only at a physical level but also psychologically and spiritually. It influences every aspect of maleness and femaleness. Sexuality makes it possible for the two genders to complement each other and to fully reveal love as giving and receiving. This is the underlying purpose of sexuality – love as acceptance and donation.
Sex: the Gift of Self
Sexuality allows persons to find themselves through a sincere gift of self. Children, for instance, express their sexuality through loving actions sincerely given to another and by accepting loving actions given to them. Young adults and those who are not married can also express their sexuality through a mutual exchange that “wills the good of another”. These are considered proper and chaste expressions of sexuality.
Within the covenant of marriage, spouses are able to express their sexuality through a complete, physical gift of self. This physical intimacy fosters their self-giving and enriches their joy and gratitude. It has a two-fold purpose of bonding the couple more closely and creating new life. These two purposes are to remain united with every act of intimacy. It is only then that this physical expression is considered virtuous and pure.
Sexuality is part of God’s plan for human persons. It is what causes us to relate to one another and to live in community. Sexuality provides us with a longing to give ourselves fully and to accept others as gifts. It is an essential part of who we are – a part of us that needs to be cherished and respected.